The Effects of Advertising on Children: What is the Responsibility?

November 5, 2012 · Posted in Health and Body, Social Interactions · Comments Off on The Effects of Advertising on Children: What is the Responsibility? 

The Effects of Advertising and Children

Have you ever given much thought to the effects of advertising on children?

It’s an issue that warrants serious discussion for a number of reasons, the least of which is how advertising can influence the buying habits of children right now as well as when they become adults.

But is advertising to children beneficial or harmful? Should more be done in order to regulate it and make sure it falls within certain guidelines?

These are questions we’ll explore in this post, so keep reading to learn more about the effects of advertising on children and what it all could potentially mean.

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Why Do We Wash Towels If We Are Clean From The Shower?

January 10, 2010 · Posted in Health and Body · Comments Off on Why Do We Wash Towels If We Are Clean From The Shower? 

Another reason you might have to wash your towel

The idea is this:  If we take a shower to get clean, and use a towel to dry ourselves off after the shower, then why do we need to wash the towel?

Somewhat weird isn’t it?

The towel shouldn’t get dirty because our body is not supposed to be dirty after the shower (clean behind your ears).

But Are We 100% “Clean” After A Shower?

Actually, I would argue not.

First off, there is no way you got between every nook and cranny.

Second – let’s talk about how body soap works…

The function of your average shower soap is to loosen the dead cells off of your skin (in case you didn’t know, there are several layers of dead skin cells on  your arms, legs, stomach, neck, etc..).

So when you are showering, the soap knocks those layers loose and the water washes MOST of it away, but NOT all.

When you use your towel to dry off, you’re not only transferring water to the towel, but also some dead skin cells and other bacteria/germs that might be hanging out in the nooks and cracks that you missed (and behind your ears).

But Wait.. That’s Not All!

If you agree with me so far.. think about this…

Now your towel has skin cells and water on it, and it is hanging there bring a perfect breeding ground for bacteria.

Naturally, the bacteria/germs floating around in the air land on the towel and eat the dead skin cells and drink the water in order to multiply… next think you know, your towel is starting to smell like mildew!

Hence – this is the reason why we have to wash our towels, even if we are “clean” from the shower!

What is my BMI? – Does BMI Really Matter?

September 19, 2009 · Posted in Health and Body · Comments Off on What is my BMI? – Does BMI Really Matter? 

BMI (body mass index) is a calculation which takes your height in feet and inches, as well as your weight in pounds, and gives you some random number.

What is my BMI? – I’m a 25.8 – over weight (go to and type in 5’7″ / 165)  But BMI really mean anything?

Well according to the calculation, if your number is less than 18.5, then you’re UNDER weight.
Between 18.5 and 24.9 is NORMAL weight
Between 25 and 29.9 is OVER weight
and you’re considered OBEASE if your BMI is above 30.

Guess what my body fat percentage is… <5%… would you call me over weight?

The truth is, I work out often, and with heavy weights – so I have a lot of muscle.  Oh yeah, and I started playing soccer at age 5, so my legs are definitely more muscular than your average 25 year old.

I’m in shape, body looks good, and couldn’t be healthier – but my BMI says I’m fat.  I don’t thinks so.

My theory is that BMI isn’t always right – and it doesn’t really mean anything.  Ok, it has some merit, it gives you a general idea of where you should take your body.

So next time you ask “What’s my BMI?” – don’t thnk too much of it or read too much into it.

Is Sodium the same as Salt?

February 20, 2009 · Posted in Health and Body · Comments Off on Is Sodium the same as Salt? 

Before taking chemistry classes, I used to wonder: is sodium the same as salt?

You see sodium on the nutrition fact label and salt on your kitchen table, you wonder… are they the same thing?  YES, they are, kind of…

Everyday table salt has the chemical formula: NaCl – or Sodium Chloride.

Sodium is just half of the chemical equation known as salt (the NA part).

Ok – now that we have that established… what’s the big deal you right?  Well, ever heard of blood pressure?  How about heart attack?

High sodium intake diets have been linked to several different diseases and conditions, mostly having to do with your heart and blood pressure.  In short – the more sodium you take in, the higher your risk of heart disease (stroke, heart attack, etc…). Read more